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What’s this? A guest spot?

Yes! I am thrilled to introduce you to Maresa Whitehead, a talented writer and poet I met at Lit Youngstown’s Fall Literary Festival last month. From her website:

Maresa writes poetry which explores the beauty in darkness and dark images, particularly as they relate to nature and place.

Maresa currently lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she earned an MFA in Creative Writing–Poetry from Chatham University. I count myself so very fortunate that Maresa agreed to share with us her wonderful Rust Belt-inspired poem. Whatever season you’re experiencing where you live, I’m sure you too will appreciate the unfolding and discovery going on here:


Once, this city forebode,
dormant, suppressed
by charcoal snow,
glaciated, atrophied,
bitter as if poisonous
until thawed.

Now, defrosted,
it’s pungent as it ripens,
unfurls petals, entreats
pollination from swarms
which spread its seed.

Each season peels its rind,
extracts the pulp of Pittsburgh,
succulent, unexpected
like the creamy black-specked
marrow eclipsed at first
by the green-tipped pink
husk of the dragon fruit.

          by Maresa Whitehead

Thank you again to Maresa for allowing me to publish your poem here at Rust Belt Girl!

All, please help me share her voice far and wide—on the social networks of your choice. Visit Maresa Whitehead’s site for her complete bio and more of her writing.

Have a favorite seasonal poem? One that celebrates all you love—or don’t—about your town? Share in the comments!

12 thoughts on “Rust Belt Girl guest: Maresa Whitehead with “Layers”

  1. I love that you’re featuring other writers, Rebecca! And, Maresa – a beautiful poem you have written. It reminded me of photos Rebecca has shared on her site. I look forward to exploring your site!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice, Becky. Maresa’s poem surely tells well the reblooming of Pittsburgh we experienced while living there in the last 70s.

    Love and hugs to you all, Aunt Elizabeth >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for checking out the post, Aunt E. Dad’s here visiting, so we just regaled him with all the stories of our wonderful visit with you! Funny, we just talked about your time in Pittsburgh–a few changes since then; the city is definitely blooming anew. Love to you two, too! ~ Becky


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